The purpose of this site is to simply share a facination and appreciation of nature and animals through amature pictures videos and stories, most of which I've created myself. Do you have a pet or have you visted a great place to see nature? Have any pictures, videos or stories you'd care to share? If so, please post. I never tire of animals and nature and would really appreciate the opportunity to experience what you've experienced. thank you!
Kitten With Chick

Kitty Cat With Chick
Monday, September 13, 2010
Vet Visit For Feline Acne of The Chin
I did take Abby to the vet for the feline acne on her chin. Looked like a wound developed right by the opening of her mouth but on her chin. She didn't get sick on the way to vet as I didn't feed her for six hours. The vet said it looked like a mild case of acne and gave me an ointment to apply twice a day. Abby won't let me apply it. Again, I waited and it healed up, not completely but it just looks like a black spot now. I will keep an eye on this as well as the new spot on the top of her head where she is scratching and causing a slight wound. I tool her to the vet Thurs 9-2-10 for the Feline Acne problem.
Skin Problem Again
Abby now has a new skin problem in the same area on the other side of her head in the area where the fur is really thin and you can see the skin. It is similar to the cut she had. I noticed it yesterday. The other problem cleared up on it's own and I'm hoping this one will too. She still has the feline acne on her chin but I am watching it closely and trying to brush her chin. Soon I will start attempting to clean her chin with a wash clothe and water if she'll let me.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Feline Acne Or Something Else
Today I noticed black spots on my cats chin in her lip area just at the spot where her upper fang closes on her mouth. I believe it's feline acne but don't know for sure, nor do I know how I am going to proceed to treat it. Two weeks ago I took her to the vet for the cut on her head, that healed thankfully but now I have to deal with this. My cat gets sick on the way to the vet and I don't currently have the skills to handle her to give her pills or even get a good look at the area in question. I have to seek help in learning how to physically handle my cat so I can properly treat her, that is my current goal. I'm going to ask some people like Jenny and my friends mom who lives close to me for advice and help before I take her for another trip to the vet, I hate those trips to the vet, they suck!
Baby Squirrel Didn't Make It
I just spoke to Jenny Monday morning, the baby squirrel passed away Friday some time Friday. When Jenny arrived home she found her curled in a little ball, she was gone. She lived for only a few weeks but fought the good fight thanks to the love and care of Jenny. Over the weekend Jenny met a lady who is starting an animal shelter near her home, Jenny feels that maybe the experience with the baby squirrel was for the purposes of feeding her desire/need to help animals and meeting this woman at just the right time, we'll never know. I am so sad the little baby squirrel passed, I was so looking forward to learning more about the squirrel as it grew and eventually was released. Jenny gave it her all and did a great job, just wasn't meant to be, so very sad to hear of this, I wanted to hear great news, this doesn't help my quest to become a person who feels the glass is half full.
Friday, August 27, 2010
Close Call For Baby Squirrel
Jenny's little baby squirrel almost died yesterday. When Jenny got home, she went to the cat carrier in which she is currently keeping her only to find she wasn't in there. She found her across the room on the hardwood floor. She was very cool to the touch and her eyes were cloudy and wouldn't eat. She stayed with her for hours warming her up with a heating pad and somewhat force feeding her to nurse her back to health. Finally, the squirrel warmed up and grabbed the food bottle and her eyes were nice and clear and glossy, she was back! Thank god Jenny got home in time and was able to save her. She put measures in place to make certain the little baby squirrel doesn't get out of the carrier anymore. She believes that being out of the carrier on the cold floor and expending all that energy to get across the floor as she can't really walk yet, is what almost took her down. It's day to day but looking good as of this morning.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Baby Squirrel Is Eating Solid Food Now
Jenny's baby squirrel is now eating nuts and berries! She's taken this little pink baby and successfully nursed her to the point of solid food and looking like a squirrel, really awesome news and a great contribution to life.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
The Animal Rescue Site & Jenny's Baby Squirrel
I have introduced Jenny from work to the animal rescue site. She loves animals and is bringing up a tiny baby squirrel that she found barely alive on the ground at her house. The squirrel along with two others that were dead when she found them must have fallen out of the nest. She went on the internet and studied how to nurse this tiny baby. She started by feeding the baby with a siringe, that's how small it was, couldn't even use a baby bottle. People make fun of her at our work for doing this, saying, it's just a squirrel and that bothers her. I told her, the hell with those people, they are assholes and they are. I think what she is doing is one of the most meaningful awesome things a person could do with there time and life. She is learning and experiencing life and helping life, god bless her and people like her who recognize and love animals. To Jenny!
Monday, August 23, 2010
Outdoor Habitats For Cats
Outdoor habitats for cats, allows them to enjoy the outdoors while keeping them safe. I think these are a great idea, I would love to have one. Only downside, is there price is high, I guess they are targeted to people with lots of money. I need to do more research and if there are none available for a fair and reasonable cost, perhaps I can make one that is, market and sell it!
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Abby's Doing Great!
All is well with my little kitty cat friend Abby! She is so great to come home to. She comes running to see me with all this positive energy and a happy kitty cat smile, I love her so much and am greatful to have her in my life and as a true friend!!
Monday, August 16, 2010
Things I Want To Learn About Cats
How to transport them without them getting sick.
How to pill them.
How to Control their weight.
How to make indoor cats happy, not lonely.
Should I get another cat for my nine year old cat to play with?
How to make them live as long as possible.
How to prevent sickness.
How to understand their actions, why do they bite? Why is she meowing? Whey won't she stay in the room I'm in instead of right outside the door of that room? Why does she come in later when I go to sleep but not while I'm awake watching TV?
Best ways to let an indoor cat enjoy the outdoors safely.
Dental cleanings - are they risky due to anesthesia and how to brush their teeth myself.
Best ways to trim indoor cat's nails.
How to pill them.
How to Control their weight.
How to make indoor cats happy, not lonely.
Should I get another cat for my nine year old cat to play with?
How to make them live as long as possible.
How to prevent sickness.
How to understand their actions, why do they bite? Why is she meowing? Whey won't she stay in the room I'm in instead of right outside the door of that room? Why does she come in later when I go to sleep but not while I'm awake watching TV?
Best ways to let an indoor cat enjoy the outdoors safely.
Dental cleanings - are they risky due to anesthesia and how to brush their teeth myself.
Best ways to trim indoor cat's nails.
Friday, August 13, 2010
Abbys Cat Scratch Final Day - Day 8
Yesterday I went home and the scratch wound looked pretty much the same. I took a flashlight and looked at it really well as I have been doing all along. It looked like it was fading, looked a bit better then the night before so I was happy. I had noticed a few times in the past couple days, this day included, that a couple of times she attempted to scratch it and I stopped her as I thought she would re-open the wound. I then went about my business. Then, about an hour later, I saw her taking it easy (she was laying on the bathroom floor) I think she likes the cold ceramic tile as it is summer right now. I was petting her and I saw a little something on the floor that looked like a little bug or piece of dirt. I pushed it aside and then noticed her wound was completely healed and that little piece of something was the scab! In her attempts to scratch the wound, she must have been trying to remove the scab. So, after approximately 12 days, she is healed. I used no drugs. The decision to leave it alone and heal naturally paid off and was the correct decision, I am so relieved and happy!
The lesson here is: Not to over react. I don't believe I overreacted because I waited about five days before taking her to the vet, the wound was not getting better. After taking her to the vet, I looked very close each day at the wound to look for changes before making a decision to give her pills. I also looked at the rest of her body to see if there were any other skin issues that would confirm there may be a skin allergy or something to that affect and there were none. So, I waited to give her pills, I was putting neosporin on it and that seemed to be aggravating it so I stopped, luckily this was another correct decision. I do believe however, that taking her to the vet helped in three respects; one, I felt better knowing a professional checked her out and it didn't appear to be a serious thing, two, I learned about steroid/cortisone shots and how they can cause diabetes and weaken the immune system as they stay in your cats system a very long time, so don't go there unless absolutely necessary. Finally, I think that having her nails clipped avoided her damaging that area further when she did scratch it as her nails were really sharp!
Thank you for following along with the Cat Scratch Wound, I hope this real life experience helps you with your cat.
The lesson here is: Not to over react. I don't believe I overreacted because I waited about five days before taking her to the vet, the wound was not getting better. After taking her to the vet, I looked very close each day at the wound to look for changes before making a decision to give her pills. I also looked at the rest of her body to see if there were any other skin issues that would confirm there may be a skin allergy or something to that affect and there were none. So, I waited to give her pills, I was putting neosporin on it and that seemed to be aggravating it so I stopped, luckily this was another correct decision. I do believe however, that taking her to the vet helped in three respects; one, I felt better knowing a professional checked her out and it didn't appear to be a serious thing, two, I learned about steroid/cortisone shots and how they can cause diabetes and weaken the immune system as they stay in your cats system a very long time, so don't go there unless absolutely necessary. Finally, I think that having her nails clipped avoided her damaging that area further when she did scratch it as her nails were really sharp!
Thank you for following along with the Cat Scratch Wound, I hope this real life experience helps you with your cat.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Cat Scratch Wound Day 7
Well, it's been a week now and the scratch is looking better then it did seven days ago, but still there, still persisting. Last night the scratch looked pretty much the same as it did the night before (day 6), which I'll take as a good thing, at least it's not getting worse. Actually, the scratch appears to be a dry scab that is fading. I have used no neosporin or pills, I am leaving things be for now. In the past my cat Abby has always been a quick healer, but this particular problem is not healing quickly and I don't know why. I am just keeping out of natures way for now and hoping for a holistic natural heeling. I hope and pray that when I get home today it looks even more faded and healed then yesterday.
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Black Stuff On Side Of My Cats Mouth
When I was brushing my cat Abby last night I noticed some sort of black stuff that looked like coffee grounds on the side of her face just under the opening of her mouth. I tried to rub it off with my finger and it appeared to be breaking up and falling out, almost like flaking skin or dandruff on a human. Could this be Feline Acne and if so, how do you treat it? Is it serious. I never realized all the little health issues with cats, my cat is nine years old. Thank you for your help.
How Is Abby Today - My Cat's Scratch Wound Day 6
Last night and this morning Abby's scratch wound on the side of her head looks better, it appears to be clearing up and healing on it's own. I believe the Neosporin was aggravating it, I stopped applying it two days ago and things seem better! I am counting on this continuing to heal on it's own, a little each day.
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
How Is Abby Today - My Cat's Scratch Wound Day 5
Yesterday when I got home from work, I took a look at the wound, it didn't look great. It started to look as though the wound was changing and the area around it discoloring like a bruise. I tried to take more pictures but they didn't come out too well. I decided I was going to administer the pills the vet gave me but as I started to do so, I knew I most likely would not be able to pill her, especially not for 12 days! I was going to crush the pills and add to her food. I have tried this before and was only partially successful, so, I listened to my gut and didn't do it.
This morning the wound looks a bit better, looks like it's healing so I am just waiting and observing still. If this wound does not get better and I have to pill her, I will have to seek help.
I Love my cat and will not put her in unnecessary risk, I will have to learn how to pill her before giving her these pills as this medicine cannot be stopped cold turkey, if I start, I have to follow through.
This morning the wound looks a bit better, looks like it's healing so I am just waiting and observing still. If this wound does not get better and I have to pill her, I will have to seek help.
I Love my cat and will not put her in unnecessary risk, I will have to learn how to pill her before giving her these pills as this medicine cannot be stopped cold turkey, if I start, I have to follow through.
Monday, August 9, 2010
Cat Scratch Wound Day 4
This morning I noticed the wound looked better, like it was fading but a new area of redness seems to be forming.
It looks like I will have no choice but to administer the oral medication and hope I can get these pills into my cat by crushing and adding it to her food.
The other side of her head is still OK and she doesn't seem to be scratching so maybe it's just inflammation and the drug is necessary, I don't know. I am hoping someone will eventually read this blog and help to advise me. I look forward to this wound healing!
It looks like I will have no choice but to administer the oral medication and hope I can get these pills into my cat by crushing and adding it to her food.
The other side of her head is still OK and she doesn't seem to be scratching so maybe it's just inflammation and the drug is necessary, I don't know. I am hoping someone will eventually read this blog and help to advise me. I look forward to this wound healing!
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Cat Scratch Wound Day 3 (2 Days After Seeing The Vet)
Yesterday the scratch looked pretty good. No new bleeding and my cat was showing no signs of scratching the wound. I applied Neosporin to it about three times. I did notice that she was grooming the area by licking her leg and rubbing the wound, I was a bit worried she would reopen the wound but new her saliva probably has healing characteristics so I just let things go naturally.
This morning I noticed she had rubbed off the scab and the wound looked bright red again, I am worried. On the good side, the wound really looks better, the scab is gone and it really doesn't look like it is bleeding. I have bought the pill crusher and a tasty assortment of canned food just in case I have to administer the pills the vet gave me.
Again, I am holding off on giving her the pills Prednisolone as this is a drug that has to be administered carefully and then stopped slowly and could potentially make things worse.
Prednisolone, it is a synthetic adrenal corticosteroid used for many purposes, in this case skin conditions.
I'll just keep on keeping a close eye on it and applying the neosporin and hope I don't have to give her the pills
This morning I noticed she had rubbed off the scab and the wound looked bright red again, I am worried. On the good side, the wound really looks better, the scab is gone and it really doesn't look like it is bleeding. I have bought the pill crusher and a tasty assortment of canned food just in case I have to administer the pills the vet gave me.
Again, I am holding off on giving her the pills Prednisolone as this is a drug that has to be administered carefully and then stopped slowly and could potentially make things worse.
Prednisolone, it is a synthetic adrenal corticosteroid used for many purposes, in this case skin conditions.
I'll just keep on keeping a close eye on it and applying the neosporin and hope I don't have to give her the pills
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Diagnosis and Treatment Of Cat Scratch Wound
The vet said the cause could be trauma or some sort of skin allergy, I think it's an obvious skin allergy because you can see black speckles around the wound. Also, the same type thing happened last time I lived at my parents. The treatment... Last time I took her into see another vet because he was close to home (my cat does not like to travel). When I walked in the door the place smelt bad and there as a lot of animal fur all over the place collecting around the perimeter of the floor, etc., not a good sign of a good vet. Nonetheless, I was there. The doctor gave her a cortisone shot to stop the itching and an antibiotic shot and it worked. This time with the new vet, she said she doesn't like to give those cortisone or steroid shots as they stay in the system a long time and can cause diabetes and weaken the immune system, I didn't like either one of those scenarios! So instead, she gave me pills to give my cat to stop the itch and told me to use neosporin the wound, this should take care of it. I cannot give pills to my cat so I asked her if I could crush them up and put them in food, she said yes, so i went out and bought a pill crusher from the drugstore for 6 bucks. I put the neosporen on the wound and have not yet given her the pills, I want to wait to see if it heals with just the neosporin as the pills are a steroid and hard for me to administer. I keep checking to see if she is scratching it and so far she is not, she is only grooming it and it seems to be healing!
Took My Cat To The Vet and Wasn't A Smooth Trip
Well, I got home from work, got out the cat carrier, put the cat in it and headed out the door. After only about eight minutes she got sick and through up all over the carrier. She was so sick, her mouth was open and what looked like mucus was hanging out of it. She was suffering and there wasn't a thing I could do but keep driving. The vet is only 15 mins away and this happened! She had thrown up so much that she didn't have a clean place to lay so her paws got soiled, I felt so bad. When we arrived I immediately told the person at the front desk what happened and that I needed a place to take her out of the carrier and clean it up, she suggested the men's room, great. Me and my cat Abby get in the men's room and first thing I see is a big load of shit in the toilet, disgusting, I flushed it. Then I had to take my already traumatized cat out of the carrier and put her where? On the dirty men's room floor! She was still very sick and scared, her mouth open and the mucus or saliva hanging from it. I wiped her mouth with my hand because I didn't want it to touch the dirty ground and then swallow it. She went off to the corner petrified. I then cleaned up the carrier. While I was cleaning the carrier, dogs were barking just adding to her fear, she then moved to a small area between the wall and the cat carrier I was cleaning looking for safety. I got the carrier clean and put her back in and took her back to the waiting area, I was pissed. I complained that I need a room to take her in and a tech took us in a room, then things got a bit better. The vet looked at the scratch on her head in which I mentioned in yesterdays post and the reason for the trip to the vet. I will continue with the vets treatment and advice about the scratch in the next post, this post was just to explain what me and my cat went through because most cats do not like to travel!
Friday, August 6, 2010
Transporting My Cat - Taking My Cat To The Vet
I have always found taking my cat to the vet a very stressful event, most cats just don't like to travel and some, like mine can even get sick and throw up! I am writing this due to the previous post "Cat Scratch". I now have to take my cat to the vet and I'm stressing out about it. I would like to know a better way to transport my cat other then how I've been doing it, with a cat carrier in the front seat of my car. How can I make the trip less stressful for my cat? What could I do before hand to mellow her out? When should I stop feeding her before the trip? Should I not use a cat carrier at all? I've been wondering about this one for nine years, but am afraid to try it. I've heard of others doing it but I worry about my cat getting under the pedals as I'm driving or something crazy like that. I've seen people arrive at the vet the same time I have with their cat standing on the dashboard and all seems to be fine. Does anybody have any experience with transporting their cat? If so I would really appreciate your input, thank you!
Cat Health Issues - Scratch Wound
Cat Health Issues Page |
Thursday, August 5, 2010
I Find Animals Facinating
I find animals facinating (as Mr. Spock would say). From a wild animal as simple as a
squirrel or bird to my little kitty cat Abby. Animals are fun, interesting and beautiful
and they are free. You don't have to buy an animal to enjoy one, just look around and be facinated!
squirrel or bird to my little kitty cat Abby. Animals are fun, interesting and beautiful
and they are free. You don't have to buy an animal to enjoy one, just look around and be facinated!
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